Friday, June 23, 2006

Padi Fields...

Off Topics:
Yeah yeah... receive some complains about the blog layout. Will try to improve it later....

Sometime it makes you ponder whether will your children get to see the things you saw and have the same childhood as you did. Most kids nowadays will not know where did rice come from and how they are grown and processed. Padi fields are getting scarce even in Malaysia. Got to know it from my colleague that the once "periuk nasi" aka rice pot of Malaysia is now nothing but a concrete jungle. Padi fields are converted to housing estates or commercial areas.

Did enjoy the sight of this padi field in Indonesia but on another hand begin to wonder how long this field will stay like this. As the country gets more advance and develope, such things will start to disappear and make way for high rise buildings, sky scrapers and also expectation of people will increase and nobody will want to be a farmer anymore. So in future all our food are either processed or made artificially.

Nice sun set eh...? My damn friend driving too fast and the roads are too uneven i virtually shake and took loads of shot till the sun got tired and started to fall asleep.

Just submitted my claim this morning. A whooping $800 bucks for last week hotel expenditure. Just hope no one question about it... have a peek at the room i was staying in last week.

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