Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I thought I've got a bunion

Off Topic:
Been looking for some HDB flats for quite a while but damn!! its hard to find a correct unit with the gov polishing their knifes and recession lurking around.. we don't really know what to expect and to react. Shit....

If your big toe curve inwards then it might spells trouble and the need for a surgery if condition is beyond cure. If you notice a protruding lump on your feet where the big toe bone joins the feet then its time to consult a bone doctor, foot doctor, or whatever you call one. Probably they will advise you to use a bunion corrector (picture above) to rectify the problem.

A bunion is a painful structural deformity of the bones and the joint between the foot and the big toe. It is also an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe. The big toe may turn toward the second toe and the tissues surrounding the join may be swollen and tender. Source.

Female are more prone to such deformity. I thought mine was serious as i had a lump on my right foot but the doc said male don't usually get it so he asked me not to bother about it. Still I'll be monitoring in case things does get a little abnormal. Maybe I'm gonna buy those sponge which ladies used for pedicures and put it on when i sleep to correct what little angle that the stupid toe is pointing.

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