Monday, March 12, 2007


Guess most of the happenings has already been covered by ZhenZi, our well ghost. Hence, i am gonna do something a little different.
As we all know that we were caught in a rain before and during the whole BBQ event thanks to Zhenzi again for her foul mouth (i wonder why she never curse me tiok toto?), this no doubt it was an enjoyable one. Special thanks to Zilla, Huat and SC for making the food, Ist, wolfie and me with the umbrellas (its for the food) and the rest for testing them.

See, our umbrellas is for fire first then food.... only.

Time for some candid photos to summarize this gathering.

Eye power in progress

King of Lim Jiu goes to Ah Huat who, on that night persistently kept asking people to drink with him. He single handedly solo-ed more than 10 cans of beer.

Stupid ZZ wanted this post and shot done.... however.. i add a little final touch to it.

Best male food tester goes to our hair-dresser-in-the-making, Lucas. Oh my... that must have taste good.

Best female food taster goes to Bing. It may look a little obscene but she is purely going after the chicken wing.

Put both of them together, man it makes everybodys' mouth watered. Any chicken wing fast food wanna buy this shot for their ad???

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