Friday, June 30, 2006

Feeding the roos......

Off Topics:
OMG!!! Taxi price went up. Utility bills increased again and
sooner or later public transport is going to. Damn gov still want to earn a
profit despite providing a service to the public?

My sister just left for Aussie yesterday together with my brother outlaw. Its for the better and a more positive bonding for the family. Well... their family and i think its quite true. Look at the way Singaporean bosses are pushing their employees.

In Singapore if you go home on the dot it either means you are bored with your job or you doesn't care to finish your work. This is a sad mentality of the people with different social lifestyles and culture. Just like Japanese, if you are home too early your wife would even scold you for not performing your best to feed the family. Hence pachinko florished throughout the country.

Well the house seems a little too quiet cos when my Bro outlaw is around things are more lifely and hmm... its much enjoyable with his presence too. Still remember our last world cup match that we watch together its between Brazil and Ghana.

Well not being racist here but our impression of African native language is like those you see in the movie "The God Must be Crazy" where the little African brother talks with a click every now and then. While we were in the middle of the match, it suddenly dawn upon us on how could the Ghana footballers communicate to each other from across the field shouting a click? o_Olll. How far can the sound of a click travel?

A lot of little ornaments are kept in storage. Thats because some rooms are going to be rented out. My hamsters stay where they are

Still the house looks a little different from the one i used stay yesterday....

------> Rubber

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