Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Work my ass off........

In the office with little things to care for.

Welcome to my work place boys and girls. As per illustration, you can see my comp, phones, water bottle incase i get too thirsty explaining over and over again to idiotas who kept requesting things that cannot be done, tissue paper is ever ready in event of my nose starts running again, name cards and whole lot of other mambo jambo stuff.

Currently am working on some price list of a certain items graded as "money not enuff" category. This literally means the items compiled in a list are products which the company is either not making a respectable margin or simply sell to lose money. Its a shitty job but someone has to do it. Determine how much we made/lost from those products, then search for other source which may be cheaper or simply jacking up the price which some ass will call up and screw me later. "Oei!!! Si geena!! Why you raise the price of XXX?" Of course they only know and care about their own position but poor me still have to explain the cause and measures that we took for the good of everybody. Life is not a bed of roses..... if there is remember to give me a buzz.

----> Rubber

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