Sunday, April 09, 2006

Rubber's Rodent: "Snacks"

Off Topic:
Argh!!! Its a Sunday night and most likey all working including students are suffering from weekend withdrawal syndrome AKA Monday Blues. I wonder is there anyone in the world who actually is excited to work on a fresh new week. Bah!!! "Sunday bloody Sunday!!!" - Bono of U2

Who says only human feast on snacks? I can prove that rodent likes it too. Of course the first step is to know what they like to eat. This is usually done on a trial and error basis. Heck... just feed them whatever you are having then pay attention to their reaction. For example, if you are having bread just pinch off the sides the feed them. If they snatch the food and throw it back to you in the face, it obviously means its a nono.

I realise that these fat furry hamsters could not resist HoneyStars. Don't ask me why but i did recommend it to a few friends who kept hamsters and yes, their hamsters love it too. I bought a small pack to save it from getting pinched by my sisters who also happen to love HoneyStars. My hamsters only get one star each from the last pack cos my sis virtually swallowed the whole box.

Here is a frsh packet of HoneyStars i just bought from the mart and its too small to be enough for any normal grown ups. Heh heh heh..... Reminds you of the stupid tiger visiting kids who are having breakfast doesn't it? If that tiger ever dare to show up while i am having breakfast i'd probably shut him up with my kim cheh mee (economical noodles) that i bought from the hawker center. Traditionally i don't grow up having cereals for breakfast. Its just some funny western culture trying to influence the society.

OK back to where we are. Its feeding time!! Food doesn't come free or fall from the sky, and these little buggers must know that. So i tend to tease them a bit whenever i feed them something "special" other than their normal boring food. At first you got to attract their attention and believe me when it comes to food, they'll give you a 110%. Sometimes you need to wiggle around a bit cos they are simply too distracted by something else.

In this instance, i play a little tug of war with the 2 bastards. They'll grab one end while you at the other and believe me when it comes to food, they will definately not let go. Sure i was having fun here cos being the one who seems to be almighty here, i have the power to make them go round and round, left and right, to and fro..... i am like "Muahahahahaha! Both of you are suckers for food!!"

But lo....... my fun was short-lived. The little buggers use their last tactic. The bastard bit me... honestly which male bite to fight? Well other than that guy who bit a chunk of Mike Tyson's ear... other than that its a little girly. -____-"

Next the scolding begins. I swear everytime i did that, they just put on their sad pathetic pity looking face. I manage to catch it on my camera this round. Damn!!! These 2 are bloody smart ok? Of course, they must know and learn from mistakes. Well..... me too. So next time i'll think of a better way to tease them...hiak hiak hiak...

------> Rubber

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bro, got try tissue paper before? and if they have the commando quality in them, not only will they hold on to the tissue, they can swing in sync with ur swinging of the tissue too. wheeeeeeee