Sunday, March 05, 2006

Ah Ber!!! Take Picture!!

Mr Rubber bought a camera of course must make the money worth it lah.
Hence the inexperience bloke went around looking for items to snap.

Some amature pictures taken for quite a while.... do drop a few pointers...

Don't know what the name of the plant but i do know its poisonous. Beautiful flowers usually comes from poisonous plants... i wonder if it applies to all.... :siam:......
Now this flower is interesting. Its called the "misai kucing" which literally means cat's whiskers. Legend says it is very good for diabetic patient. How true is it... nobody knows..
Don't know what plant it is just find it interesting and took a snap of it. Might be a weed

Eh.... some kind of rose from dunno simi breed. All it do is just crawl around, bloom in the morning and get all soggy during the rain. This is a sample of it after a down pour. -___-"

A flower bud from dunno simi wakor plant. Took it cos its nice.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah ber!! when become so 'flower-eat'??? lol
