Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Insensitive Busturd

On Feb 17, my flight was due at 4pm to depart from Pekanbaru, Indonesia back to Singapore. Of course the feeling of going home is great. When the plane was accending one of the luggage compartment suddenly sprang open and one of the baggage happen to drop on this bloke with funny accent. Of course he was pissed by the incident but you can't deny that shit does happens and the friendly air stewardess was there to help dispite the plane is still climbing towards its cruising altitude. The air stewardess suggested to the bloke to hold on to the bag until the plane is level but this insensitive jerk kept shouting "Its not mine!!" in his funny accent of course which sounded like "iz fort vine!!". The poor stewardess struggle to place the bag back into the compartment in such awkward conditions. Whats the problem of holding the bag until condition gets better then resolve the issue. I wish i have the ejection seat button like Dr. Evil (from Austin Powers) and blast that S.O.B. out into the sky so that he could drop into the sea and eaten by "sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their head". After we land, i saw the funny accent bloke again queuing in the same row as me which is the SG or PR lane. He still have the funny stuck up face attach to his head. Looks like the world owe him everthing and i would like to ask him to jump off a building if he feels so sorry about everything.

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